Social conflict is one of the major and recurring themes in sociological analysis.The conflict approach gained in popularity through the works of Karl marx. Later on it was decorated with such studies by lewis koser, ralf Daherendorff and AR Desai.
Social conflict approach looks into power relations in the society . The thinkers argue that due to the presence of power relations , there exist different interest groups alongwith different and cotrasting collective goals.Such relations create inequalities - natural or induced - in the society. And thus arises conflict due to the clash of Ideas , interests and colletive goals.
However , such conflict is not always inimical to society as mis-understood by various groups especially the functionalists. Conflict has a major role to play in initiating social change. It raises voice against inequalities prevalent thereby paving the path for egalitarian order.
Further , social conflict ensures equitable distribution of resources and gives a platform for democratic process to emerge and grow.History is resplendent with instances of conflict leading to major changes. The indian struggle for indepence is a case in point.
Social conflict in developing countries takes various forms from Ideological to revolutionary.For instance , conflicting ideologies have sustained the test of time in India with multitude of political parties have decorated the ruling governments. The presence of racial conflict in south africa resulted in the abolition of apartheid. And conflicts in middle east and North africa in recent times have created revolutionary upheavals.
Nevertheless , conflict as envisaged by Karl mark and its eventuality of communist classless society has beed utopian to say the least . In today's world social conflict questions the established norms in society and strive to direct society towards change.And such interaction between social conflict and social order is continuous and necessary for growth and development of a society.
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