Durkheim, the founder of modern sociology has contributed to the study of religion and society. In his essay on “The Elementary forms of Religious Life (1912)”, which deals with clan system and totemism in Arunta tribe of Australian aboriginals, Durkheim has tried to reveal the principles and beliefs in the area of religion. He rejected the reigning theories of origin of religion i.e. Animism by Edward B Tyler and Naturalism by Max Muller because they can not explain universal distinction between sacred and profane. According to Durkheim, by common beliefs, rituals and symbols, religion brings a sense of collective consciousness in society and it integrates the society. He equated the religion to society wherein God was only a symbol or a metaphor but in actual religion was the worship of society and not of God.
According to Durkheim, the essence of religion is a division of world into two spheres i.e. sacred and profane. Sacred means things which are set apart and require special treatment while profane is reverse of sacred. Sacred things are par excellence which the profane should not and can not touch without impunity. Religion as Durkheim saw and explained it is not any social creation but is in fact society divinized itself.
Most sociologists believe that he has over stated his case. Whilst agreeing that religion is important for promoting social solidarity and reinforcing social values, they wouldn't support the view that religion is worship of society. Moreover, religion has been cause of discord and many bloody conflict. Rise of religious fundamentalism and extremism in contemporary times such as ISIS, al-Qaeda, Heaven's Gate, Khalistan movement, Hindu-fundamentalists etc refutes the Durkheim's assumptions about religion. Also, when Durkheim talks about Religion, he talks about some supernatural force behind anything Sacred but Buddhism and Confucianism had no conception of supernatural,but did allow sufficient reverence for things and persons which they considered sacred. The definition of sacred as stated by Emile Durkheim seems to have lost sense in today’s time as the the religion is not being misused to create disturbance in the democratic setup of the society rather being worshiped.